Sony SNT-V304 用户手册

页码 104
Layout Settings
Monitor Screen and Alarm
Function Setup
 (Application Design) icon is used to configure
the monitor screen display and to determine the
operation of the video network station when an alarm
event occurs. Clicking the “Application Design” icon
displays the following screen.
Clicking the 
 (Layout and Application Wizard)
icon displays the “Layout and Application Wizard”.
The wizard first displays a configuration selection
screen.  The choices displayed in the screen are
explained below.
• [Layout]:Sets the monitor display style.
• [Alarm]:Sets the reaction to an alarm and the alarm
• [Upload (FTP)]:Sets FTP image transfer.
• [Relay-OUT]:Sets the relay output for when the
[RELAY] button is clicked.
It is only possible to set  one [Alarm] or [Upload
(FTP)] for each video signal.
Which view do you
want to display as
default when
opening the Web
What type of
image do you want
to show in Web
What format do
you want ALL in
camera view to be
Woud you like to
display the Sony
Please enter the
time for sequential
Select which image is tnl™e initially
displayed when the user accesses the
monitor screen:
• Camera View
Displays the video camera image
• HSR View
Displays the HSR-1/1P/2/2P image
Select the image size for the monitor
screen from the following:
• Fullsize
Display 352 ¥ 240 NTSC or 352 ¥
288 PAL
• Fullsize 
Enlarges and displays Fullsize image
data in Hugesize (704 
 480 NTSC or
 576 PAL).
• Hugesize
Display 704 ¥ 480 NTSC or 704 ¥
576 PAL
Select the images and layout to be
displayed on the monitor in the ALL
mode from the following:
• All cameras
All video camera images are
• Camera 1 and 2 horisontally aligned
Images of the video cameras
connected to VIDEO 1 and 2
terminals are displayed side by side.
• Camera 1 and 2 vertically aligned
Images of the video cameras
connected to VIDEO 1 and 2
terminals are displayed one above
the other.
• Camera 1
Displays the video camera image
connected to the VIDEO 1 terminal.
Select whether to display the Sony
logo at the top of the page: either
[Yes] (display) or [No] (no logo).
Enter an image display interval for
each of the four video sources. Setting
0 for a video source causes it to not be
displayed on sequential mode. Also, if
a short interval is set, the image may
not be displayed, depending on
network conditions and processing
speed of the computer.