Panasonic nn-a873sbbpq 用户手册

页码 111
250g (9 oz) butter
5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence
150g (5 oz) caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
284ml (10 fl.oz) soured cream
225g (8 oz) plain flour
75g (3 oz) self raising flour
5 ml (1 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
100g (4 oz) pecan nuts, finely chopped
25 g (1 oz) brown sugar
3 ml (
tsp) ground cinnamon
100g (4 oz) pecan nuts, whole
60 ml (4 tbsp) maple syrup
Pecan Sour Cream Cake
Dish: 23cm (9”) cake tin, lined with greaseproof paper
Oven Accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Cream together butter, essence and sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add the eggs a little at a time, beating well after each addition.
3. Stir in the soured cream and then fold in the sifted flours and soda.
4. Spread half the cake mixture into the prepared tin. Sprinkle over the combined pecan nuts,
brown sugar and cinnamon.
5. Cover with the remaining cake mixture.
6. Arrange the whole pecan nuts on the top and cook on Combination: CONVECTION 160°C
+ WARM power for 40-45 mins. or until cooked.
7. Brush with maple syrup and allow to cool in the tin.
3 medium eggs, beaten
125g (4
oz) caster sugar 
125g (4
oz) plain flour 
jam or cream
icing sugar to dredge
Swiss Roll 
Dish: swiss roll tin 33 x 23cm (13”x 9”), greased and lined with baking parchment
Oven Accessory: wire shelf
1. Preheat oven on CONVECTION 200°C with wire shelf in position on lower level.
2. Whisk eggs and sugar together in a heatproof bowl until blended.
3. Stand bowl over hot water and continue to whisk eggs and sugar until pale and creamy, and
mixture leaves a trail on the surface when the whisk is lifted.
4. Remove from hot water and whisk until cool and thick.
5. Carefully fold in half of the sifted flour, then fold in the other half.
6. Fold in 1 tbsp of hot water.
7. Tip the tin to allow mixture to run into corners.
8. Cook on CONVECTION 200°C for 10 mins.
9. Place sheet of greaseproof paper on a damp tea towel and dredge paper with caster sugar.
10.Quickly turn the swiss roll out onto the greaseproof and carefully remove the baking
11. Spread with jam or desired filling.
12.Roll up from short side with the aid of the greaseproof paper.
13.Dredge with icing sugar.
175g (6 oz) golden syrup
150g (5 oz) margarine 
150ml (
pt) milk
450g (1 lb) mixed dried fruit
225g (8 oz) plain flour
10ml (2 tsp) mixed spice
pinch salt
10ml (2 tsp) baking powder
2 eggs, beaten
25g (1 oz) Demerara sugar (optional)
Boiled Fruit Cake 
Dish: 20cm (8”) cake tin, greased and lined with greaseproof paper
Oven Accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1Place syrup, margarine, milk and fruit in a bowl. Heat on HIGH power for 5 mins. stirring
twice. Cool slightly.
2. Sieve in dry ingredients and mix in eggs. Beat well.
3. Pour into tin and sprinkle with demerara sugar.
4Cook on Combination: CONVECTION 160°C + WARM power for 45-50 mins. or until