Yamaha digital mixing studio 01x 用户手册

页码 156
Before Using
Basics Section
Getting Started
01X   Owner’s Manual
• Is the number of audio channels appropriate?  
The amount of audio channels that can be used simultaneously 
differs depending on the computer capacity and speed.
......... page 92, “Connecting a Computer to an mLAN 
device via mLAN” (Installation Guide), “mLAN Con-
nection Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
• Is the sampling rate (wordclock) appropriate?  
A high sampling rate can be the cause of the noise depending 
on the computer capacity and speed.
........ page 92, “Connecting a Computer to an mLAN 
device via mLAN” (Installation Guide), “Wordclock 
Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
• Make sure that the appropriate number of devices is connected 
to the computer. Connection of too many devices may cause 
noise, depending on the capacity of the computer.
• Are there any noise-producing devices (such as those contain-
ing power inverters, etc.) near the cables?  
Move all cables away from any possible noise sources.
• Is the mLAN cable damaged?  Cables that do not satisfy 
IEEE1394 standards may cause noise.
Make sure to use the included mLAN cable or any other high-
quality cable with the same thickness.
• When using the mLAN driver, make sure to turn off or disable 
any background applications (for example, virus scanning soft-
ware or auto backup routines).  Otherwise, noise may result 
due to instability of the driver operation.  When not using the 
mLAN driver (it can be set to OFF from mLAN Manager), you 
can turn on or enable the above-mentioned software again. 
■ Sound recorded via the digital input 
sounds grainy.
• Is the dither setting appropriate?............................... page 93
■ Signal from the INPUT 8 jack is too loud.
• A conventional line-level signal may be 
connected to the Hi-Z jack........................................ page 21
■ Not all tracks will record/play back.
• Is the number of channels for mLAN audio receiving/sending 
(set on the mLAN Auto Connector and mLAN Graphic Patch-
bay) appropriate?
........ “Connecting a Computer to an mLAN device via 
mLAN” (Installation Guide), “mLAN Connection 
Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
■ Can’t save to a library.
• Is the scene library protected? .................................. page 86
• It is not possible to save to the 
factory-preset libraries.............................................. page 36
■ Can’t reproduce a scene.
• One or more channels may be set to Recall Safe. ...... page 86
■ The volume of a particular channel 
increases or decreases.
• Are the dynamics processor 
settings appropriate?......................................pages 100, 122
• Automation (Automix) may have been recorded. ...... page 15
■ Level does not change even when moving 
the fader.
• Have the appropriate mode and 
layer been selected? .......................................... pages 37, 40
• Make sure the fader is not set to PRE FADER 
in the AUX settings................................................. page 100
• Has the FLIP function been turned on? ..................... page 19
• Make sure that the signal routing of the 
audio is not set to PRE FADER or PRE EQ 
in the direct out configuration. .................................. page 91
■ Faders move to the lowest/Highest position 
on their own.
• Automation (Automix) may have been recorded. ...... page 15
■ Meters move even though the faders are 
• The direct out setting may be 
PRE EQ or PRE FADER. ......................................... page 91
• The meter display may be set to PRE FADER........... page 46
■ The channels selected by the [ON] button 
and [SEL] button are not correct.
• Is the proper layer selected?...................................... page 40
■ Can’t recall a channel library.
• The settings that can be recalled from the 
channel library are limited to the library 
of the same category. .............................................. page 103
■ Can’t exchange MIDI/program change data.
• Has the port number been set correctly?.................... page 95
parameter been set correctly?.................................... page 87
• Are the mLAN cables connected correctly?
• An mLAN cable may be broken.
• Is the power turned on for the transmitting and receiving 
• Is the on/off setting of program change 
reception/transmission appropriate? .......................... page 94
• Do the channel settings match for the 
transmitted and receiving devices? ............................ page 94
• Is a scene assigned to the program change 
number being transmitted?........................................ page 94
■ Pairing was specified, but the signal is 
• Is the odd-numbered channel panned far left and the 
even-numbered channel panned far right? ....... pages 99, 102