Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer 用户手册

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Soundscape Mixpander 
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Bass Shelving section 
– Gain M (-6.0, 6.0 dB): 
Bass shelving gain setting of the mid MS matrix input signal. 
This parameter is used in combination with the “Gain S” parameter 
mainly in order to enhance the stereo perception at lower frequencies. 
NOTE: The Q‐factor of the shelving filter is constant and equal to 0.7. 
– Gain S (-6.0, 6.0 dB): 
Bass Shelving Gain setting of the side MS matrix input signal. 
This parameter is used in combination with the “Gain M”  parameter mainly in order to enhance 
the stereo perception at lower frequencies. 
NOTE: The Q‐factor of the shelving filter is constant and equal to 0.7. 
– Frequency (200, 1300 Hz): 
This parameter determines the cut off frequency for both the mid and side bass shelving filters. 
NOTE: The MS Decoder mixer element (described in the “Mixer” chapter) can be used to check a 
stereo Arrangement for mono compatibility. Insert the MS Decoder in the path of the stereo signal, 
and  set  its  parameter  as  follows:  M/S  Matrix:  On  to  monitor  in  mono,  Off  to  monitor  in  stereo 
(other  top  row  buttons  off),  Gain:  +6dB  (0dB  if  monitoring  via  an  EPP  output  element),  Width: 
1.00, Asymm: ‐90, Rotation: 0, Bass Shelving: Off). 
Optional plug-in mixer elements 
Numerous optional plug-ins are available for the SSL Soundscape Mixer, from Solid State Logic 
and leading third party companies. When installed on your computer, they appear as options in 
the mixer elements menu when you create a Mixer. They must be enabled by entering a password 
under menu: Settings|Passwords. These plug-ins are generally supplied with their own manual. 
Available plug-ins include the Audio Toolbox by Solid State Logic, the Reverb by Wave 
Mechanics, the Reverb and Dynamizer by TC-Works, the Dolby Surround Pro Logic (Dolby 
encoder/decoder and noise generator) by Dolby Laboratories Inc. and Solid State Logic, Dehiss by 
Cedar Audio, Compressor-X by Sonic Timeworks, Aural Exciter Type III and Big Bottom Pro by 
Aphex Systems, Hyperprism by Arboretum Systems, Spindelay by Spinaudio, the DRAWMER