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Crestron ST-COM 
RS-232/422/485 COM Module
Firmware Upgrade 
To upgrade the firmware of a ST-COM, a local PC that contains the Crestron 
Viewport (available in SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e) is required. To connect the PC 
to the control system, refer to the "Obtaining Communications" section of the 
Operations Guide supplied with the appropriate control system. The latest version of 
the Operations Guide can be obtained from the Products page (PRODUCT 
MANUALS, Hardware section) or Downloads page (MANUAL Library) of the 
Crestron website (
. New users are required to register in order to 
obtain access to the FTP site.  
Firmware upgrade files are obtained from the What's New page (Other Products 
section) or the Downloads page (UPGRADES Library, search for STCOM154.UPG 
(or a more recent ST-COM-related upgrade)) of the Crestron website.  
To upgrade ST-COM firmware, complete the following steps. 
1.  Make sure that no programs are accessing the COM port of the PC.  
2.  At the PC, start SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e. 
3.  From the SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e menu bar, select Tools | 
Viewport to open the Crestron Viewport.  
NOTE:  SIMPL Windows may open with an opening splash screen and may display 
the "What do you want to do?" window. If so, close the window and continue.  
4.  From the Viewport menu, select Setup | Communication settings 
(alternatively, depress Alt+D) to open the "Port Settings" window, as 
shown in the diagram after this step.  
Accessing the "Port Settings" Window 
5.  Refer to the window shown after this step and verify the 
communications settings. Make sure that parity is set to None, data bits 
to Eight, and XModem is selected. Both XON/XOFF handshaking and 
RTS/CTS handshaking are irrelevant during a firmware upgrade.  
NOTE:  For the purposes of this procedure, it is assumed that communication is via 
RS-232 (Com 1 at 38400 baud). If performing a firmware upgrade via Ethernet, 
select TCP/IP as the connection type and provide the IP address.  
Operations Guide - DOC. 5695A 
RS-232/422/485 COM Module: ST-COM  