Motorola MT2000 用户手册

页码 304
Emergency Type
Alarm Only- An emergency message is repeatedly sent to the base station until it is cancelled when all the
allowed retries (both polite and impolite) have been sent, or reception of an acknowledgement from
the base station, or the first PTT press, or a long press of the emergency button occurs.
Alarm and Call-An emergency message is repeatedly sent to the base station until either all the allowed retries
(both polite and impolite) have been sent or the radio receives an acknowledgement from the base
station.  Once an acknowledgement is received from the base station, the user can talk to the base
station.  An emergency PTT ID will be sent with the voice on each PTT press.  The emergency call
is canceled by a long press of the emergency button.
Both types of emergency support reverting (transmitting emergency on a predetermined channel).  
Acknowledge Alert Tone
Enable this option if you want an emergency acknowledge beep to be sounded when the radio receives
acknowledgement of its emergency call.
Revert Table
This is the Emergency Revert Channel table, which contains the channels pointed to in the conventional
personalities, where the radio reverts to when entering Emergency call mode.  Enter the zone numbers and the
channel numbers in the table.  Each MDC personality will select one of these channels or it may choose itself.
First create personalities, then go to the Zone/Channel Assignment screen and enter channel information and
you will be able to set the MDC emergency channels.
The emergency revert channels MUST be conventional channels  
which do not have Quik-Call II enabled, nor can they be receive-only.