Garmin 168 用户手册

页码 123
Map Page Options
• Measure Distance— allows you to measure the bearing and distance between any two points on 
the map display.
To measure the BRG/DIS between two points:
1.    Highlight the ‘Measure Distance’ option and press ENTER/MARK. An on-screen pointer will appear 
on the map display at your present position with ‘ENT REF’ below it. 
2.    Move the cursor to the desired reference point (the point that you want to measure from) and 
3.    Move the cursor to the point that you want to measure to. The bearing and distance from the 
reference point will be displayed in the data window at the top of the display.
4.    Press the QUIT key to fi nish.
• Show Sonar/Show Flasher/Hide Flasher— toggles a split screen showing Sonar or Flasher 
information on the right side of the Map Page in addition to the map. With ‘Show Sonar’ active, the 
unit will act as a fi shfi nder showing a graphic representation of fi sh, water depth, thermoclines and 
structure, and bottom type and shape. In ‘Show Flasher’ mode, the graphic Flasher displays structure 
and bottom returns much the same as a true Flasher.
To cycle through the ‘Show Sonar/Show Flasher/Hide Flasher’ options:
1.    From the Map Page press MENU.
2.    Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight ‘Show Sonar’, ‘Show Flasher’, or ‘Hide Flasher’.
3.    Press ENTER/MARK repeatedly to cycle through the options. You will see the Sonar or Flasher 
information appear on the screen behind the menu window on the right side of the display.
4.    Press QUIT when you have the desired setting to return to the Map Page.
Full Screen Map Shown
Map Page with Sonar information 
168 Manual Part 1.indd   31
11/18/2002, 3:36:32 PM