Garmin cf que 1620 用户手册

页码 50
GPS Applications
Customizing Route Navigation
       You can use the Route Preferences, Detour, Edit Vias, and Recalculate options to 
customize route navigation to meet your requirements. To determine the way a route 
is calculated, whether or not some routing features are implemented automatically, 
modified or turned Off, you can use the System Setup and Routing options from the 
Main Menu on the Map Page. A set of factory default preferences will operate route 
navigation if you do not choose to make your own settings.
To set General Preferences:
1. From the Map Page, tap Menu then System Setup to display the General  
   Preferences Page.
2. Under Voice Prompt options, tap Guidance and GPS Status if you    
   want guidance prompts and GPS status information.  Tap Guidance
    Only if you want prompts for routes only and tap Manual Speak Only
   if you only want prompts and status when you press a hard button. 
3. On the same page under Attention Tone, tap Attention Tone to place a
   check mark next to this option to present a tone to prepare you to listen  
   before each voice prompt. See notes on inside cover of this guide about  
   voice prompts and speaker volume of your particular Pocket PC
To set Routing Preferences:
   1. On the “Routing” preferences page, under Route Preference, tap Faster  
Shorter DistanceOff Road or Custom. If you want this option  
     to display every time you begin a route, tap “Ask Me My Preferences”  
to place a check mark next to it. When the checked, this option displays  
     the route preference pop-up window before a route is calculated.
   2. Next is the Calculate Routes For: option. Tap the displayed option to  
     open the list of modes of travel and select the most appropriate. 
   3. If you selected Custom from the Route Preference options, you can    
     improve the accuracy of the route calculation by adjusting the speed    
     assumption for the types of roadways on a route. 
4. Tap the Customize button to display a page with an adjustment slider
  for three roadway categories, place the stylus on the slider and drag in  
  the direction desired. 
  Note that increases and decreases represent a range of approximately  
  plus and minus 90%.
5. To use settings from previous driving, tap Use Habits, to reset all three
  categories, tap the Reset button.
To set Guidance Preferences:
   1. On the “Guidance” preferences page, under Off-Route Recalculation,  
tap PromptedAutomatic (Announced or Silent) or Off.
2. For Next Turn Pop-up options, tap OffSPEAK Button Only,  
Automatic Only, or Both.
General Preferences
Guidance Preferences
Road Speed 
Adjustment Page