Hitachi c32wf530n 用户手册

页码 40
Dear HITACHI customer
Congratulations on your purchase of the very latest state of the art
technology. At Hitachi we pride ourselves on producing high quality
televisions with outstanding picture and audio capabilities, coupled with
Hitachi’s reputation for superior reliability. You should enjoy many years of
trouble free operation from your TV. Take some time to read this 
Users Guide thoroughly, and if you encounter any difficulty, firstly refer 
to the Trouble Shooting Guide at the rear of this manual. 
In the unlikely event of a problem occurring with your TV, 
contact your dealer immediately.
Software Notice
It is prohibited for the end user of this product to copy, reverse engineer
or reverse compile the software included therein, save to the extent
permitted by law.
To prevent scratching or damaging the tube face, do not knock or rub
the surface with sharp or hard objects. Clean the screen with a soft cloth
moistened with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. A mild soap may be
used if the screen is extremely dirty. Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaners!