ZyXEL Communications PLA-400 用户手册

页码 66
Chapter 1 Introducing the PLA-4xx
PLA-4xx Series User’s Guide
1.2.1  Coaxial Cable Networks with the PLA-402
The PLA-402 allows you to be more flexible in expanding your network by adding the coaxial 
cable capability.
Figure 2   Expand Your Network with the PLA-402 over Coaxial Cable Wiring
As well as being able to connect your PLA-402 to a power outlet, you also have the option of 
connecting to a coaxial cable outlet. Connect other powerline adapters in your powerline 
network to coaxial cable outlets on the same line. Then set up your network with additional 
devices such as a computer or printer the same way you would set up a powerline network on 
an electrical circuit. 
1.3  Ways to Manage the PLA-4xx
Use any of the following methods to manage the PLA-4xx.
• The PLA-4xx Series Configuration Utility. This is recommended for everyday 
management of the PLA-4xx. Se
 for instructions on installing the 
1.4  Security
Since your powerline network may extend outside your premises, it is important to set up 
security on your PLA-4xx.