Cadillac cts 用户手册

页码 435
Using RDS
Your audio system is equipped with Radio Data Systems
(RDS). RDS features are available for use only on FM
stations that broadcast RDS information. Using this
system, the radio can:
1. receive announcements concerning local and
national emergencies,
2. seek to stations with traffic announcements,
3. display messages from radio stations and
4. search for a stronger station when a station is too
weak for listening.
If you are tuned to a station broadcasting RDS
information, the station’s call letters and program
service name will replace the station’s frequency on the
display. The program type and program type name may
be the same or different. If the radio is tuned to a station
that is not broadcasting RDS information, the station’s
frequency will remain on the display. With RDS the
radio can search for a stronger station in the network
when a station gets too weak for listening if alternate
frequency is on.
RDS Messages
ALERT: Alert warns of local and national emergencies.
When an alert announcement comes on the current radio
station or a related network station, ALERT will appear
on the display. You will hear the announcement, even if
the volume is muted or a cassette tape or compact disc is
playing. If the cassette tape or compact disc player was
being used, the tape or compact disc will stay in the
player and resume play at the point where it stopped
when the announcement has ended. You will not be able
to turn off alert announcements. If the radio tunes to a
related network station for the announcement, it will
return to the original station when the announcement 
is finished.
The radio uses TA volume for alert announcements. 
To increase or to decrease volume, turn the VOL knob.
The volume can not be turned completely down or off.