games-pc empire earth 用户手册

页码 239
Empire Earth
United States: 18th Century –
The United States won independence from Britain in 1782, but by the First World War the two
nations were on friendly terms.  The US sent materials to Britain and the Allies before finally
committing to join the war in 1917.  The Allies were victorious in 1918 and the United Stated
emerged as a world power.
At the start of the Second World War, the US again began sending huge amounts of materials
overseas, but the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 brought America’s armed forces
into the conflict.  Fighting a war on two fronts was a huge undertaking, so the US decided to
concentrate on victory in Europe first.  After the D-Day invasion in June 1944, the Allies on the
western front steadily pushed all the way to Berlin.  The war in Europe ended in May 1945.
Meanwhile in the Pacific, US forces managed to make headway against the formidable
Japanese forces.  At the Battle of Midway in June 1942, American planes sank four
irreplaceable Japanese carriers.  After retreating to Australia, General MacArthur hopped
from island to island, finally retaking the Philippines by 1945.  The Pacific war concluded
with the Americans’ use of a terrifying new weapon: the atomic bomb.
The power struggle between the US and the Soviets after WWII dominated the foreign policies
of both countries – and virtually every nation on the globe – for the next four decades.
Dubbed the Cold War, it was a time marked by mistrust and political sparring.  An arms race
raged as both nations stockpiled hundreds of nuclear weapons while simultaneously striving
to develop superior conventional armaments.  The US built many bombers, fighters, and
helicopters hoping to control the skies in a possible war.  Warships, too, were modernised and
produced in large numbers.  The cost of preparing for a hypothetical war took a high
economic toll on both countries, but the United States’ stronger economy ultimately prevailed.
Resource Gathering
15% Gold Mining
15% Iron Mining
Citizens & Fishing Boats
30% Attack
20% Speed
Buildings, Walls, & Towers
15% Cost Reduction
30% Build Time Decrease
15% Pop Cap
20% Cost Reduction
Battleships & Carriers
25% Hit Points
20% Range
Fighters and Fighter/Bombers
20% Range
20% Flight Time
20% Attack 
20% Speed
20% Flight Time
25% Hit Points