games-pc syndicate 用户手册

页码 59
In The Mission Zone
Here are some of the things you can expect to come across while playing a Syndicate
Enemy Agents (red circles)
Cyborgs employed by rival Syndicates appear in the Mission Zone dressed similarly to
your own, wearing large overcoats. The many folds of an agent’s overcoat bulge with
concealed weapons and, unlike the police who must wait for arms to be revealed
(after all, the cities of tomorrow aren’t safe places to walk without some form of
protection), enemy agents don’t stand on ceremony when it comes to gunning down
your operatives. If you’re not careful they are firing before you can even arm a
cyborg, so move quickly.
Police (blue circles)
The police of tomorrow have a thankless task. Hampered by the need to be seen to
have at least some respect for the law, they cannot fire on Syndicate agents until
weapons are drawn and the streets already awash with innocent (and not so innocent)
blood. Although well trained, well armed and well protected by chest armor and
helmets, this helps make the police sitting ducks for Syndicate agents in need of target
practice. And unlike their cyborg foe, police are only flesh and blood. Still, when you
hear the warning, “Police! Put down your weapons!”, it’s a good idea to take note
and get that uzi back in your overcoat – that is unless hot lead is already spitting from
enemy cyborg weaponry.
The Target (white dot with radar signal)
The unfortunate soul who is the mission Target emits a beep, and can be located on
the Scanner by the corresponding radar signal.
: If you have to enter a building to pursue the target, remember that
the cursor becomes a targeting icon when over your prey, and turns red
when a target is in range of a chosen weapon.