Macromedia captivate 2 快速安装指南

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About editing projects
Text entry boxes
  Text entry boxes let you increase Adobe Captivate project interaction 
quickly and easily. For example, you can use text entry boxes to ask simple quiz questions.
Buttons increase the interactivity of Adobe Captivate projects and can be added, 
sized, and located on a slide as required. 
About text captions
Text captions are useful tools that draw attention to specific areas in a slide. For example, you can 
use text captions to point out menu items or icons. You can also use text captions to focus user 
attention on easily overlooked details. If you do not use voice-over narration in a project, you can 
use text captions to provide a similar function—text captions can “speak” to the user. 
You decide how text captions appear (font, size, color, and so on). Adobe Captivate provides a 
wide variety of predefined text caption styles, but you can also create custom text caption styles 
that match your company or organization appearance.
It is easy to add text captions to project slides manually, but to create text captions very quickly 
you can have Adobe Captivate automatically generate text captions based upon what is recorded. 
For example, if you record the mouse clicking the Edit menu, Adobe Captivate can automatically 
create a text caption that says “Select the Edit menu” and place the text caption on the exact slide 
showing the action.
Adding captions
You can use text captions to “talk” to users or to point out specific items on a slide. It is easy to 
add a text caption to a slide and to edit the text caption so it looks exactly the way you want.
To add a text caption:
Open an Adobe Captivate project.
Double-click on the slide to which you want to add a text caption.
From the Insert menu, select Text Caption.
The Text Caption Properties dialog box appears.
On the Text Caption tab, set the following properties: 
Caption type 
Click the pop-up menu to select a text caption type. Each text caption type is 
named and a small thumbnail image shows what the text caption looks like.
Click the pop-up menu to select a font for the text caption.
Click the pop-up menu to select a font size for the caption text.
Click the color box to select a font color for the caption text.
Caption style 
Click one of the five text caption types. Many of the text caption styles contain 
text captions with directional callouts so you can select a text caption that points in the most 
appropriate direction. Captions can also include bullets, special characters, indentation, 
numbering, and other objects.
Display options 
Set additional display options such as bold, italic, or underlined text, and 
text justification.
Type caption text here 
Enter the caption text exactly as you want it to appear.