Generac Power Systems 0G6020A 用户手册

页码 16
The following list of options will be presented:
Adjust Contrast
Clear History
Add Me to Network.
The display contrast can be adjusted using the two arrow keys. 
Once the desired contrast level is reached, press the enter key to 
store it.
Normally the exercise time is set at the generator control 
board. If an exercise time has not been set on the control 
board, it will flash an alarm message and an alarm will 
also be set on the wireless display – “EXERCISE TIME NOT SET”.
The exercise page of the wireless display can be used to over-
write any exercise time set in the generator. Use the arrow keys 
and follow the on-screen instructions to set the time and day of 
the exercise. The data will be sent to the generator. Confirm it by 
rechecking the exercise time on the base station display after a few 
seconds (it takes a few seconds for the radio to update it’s data.
The wireless display calculates the difference in time from the 
exercise date and time to the current date and time, and downloads 
this to the generator. This means the clock on the generator and 
the clock in the base station must be synchronized, this is normally 
the case and it is automatically checked and corrected every ten 
minutes. The exercise cycle is repeated at the same time weekly 
and does not use the wireless system to do this, all the timing is 
in the generator.
The following list of options will be presented:
Radio information
Change Channel
Reset Radio
Add New Display
Test Radio Link
This selection shows statistics about the radio link. There is a 
display of signal quality as a percentage, as well as an indication 
of the current system channel. For ease of use, the display will 
NOT revert to the status/alarm screen after one minute if no keys 
are pressed.
If the signal quality is low but the signal strength is good, there may 
be some interference. See the section on "Changing Channels".
Channel selection is normally automatic, manually changing chan-
nels should only need to be done if experiencing interference from 
other equipment. This can be identified by looking at the signal 
strength and the signal quality. If the signal strength is good but the 
quality is not, there may be some interference. Changing channels 
on the main display will automatically change the channel on the 
generator end provided a link has been established. If the “change 
channel” message fails for any reason, the units will revert to their 
old channel selection. A new channel setting will be remembered 
for the next time the unit is powered up. To change channels on 
an established and working link, simply select “Change Channel” 
from the Radio menu, then enter a new channel number.
Changing the channel number on a link that is not established is a 
little more complex, the only reason this may need to be done is if 
a link cannot be establish because the default channel is noisy. To 
perform this task, follow these instructions:
1.  Remove power from the generator end of the link by holding 
in the "Set Exercise" button. Perform steps 2, 3 and 4 while 
holding this button in. It may be easier to have someone help 
for these steps.
2.  Go to the radio menu and select “Reset radio”. This will try 
and establish a link but it will fail, the process will take about 
one minute.
3.  Go to the “Change Channel” menu and select a new channel. 
There are 16 channels to choose from.
4.  Go back and select the “Reset Radio” command.
5.  Release the "Set Exercise" button to reapply power at the 
generator end of the link.
6.  The radio link should establish itself on the channel selected. 
This will be remembered even when the power is turned off to 
the display.
If the unit is a secondary display, no checking is done to ensure 
the channel matches the current system channel. Set the channel 
to the current system channel. Look on the main display and select 
the radio menu, then select “Radio Information”. This will tell you 
the current channel that is being used.
Normally the system will set itself up out of the box. However, if 
either of the transceivers need to be replaced (the display or the 
generator end), you will need to re-train the system and re-set 
the exercise time. You will NOT have to re-train the system if the 
battery in the display is discharged, the system will remember the 
radio settings.
If communications are totally lost for an unexplained reason, you 
may want to perform a new radio setup.
1.  Carry the display to a point near the generator and turn it on. 
Go to the radio menu.
2.  Remove the power from the generator control panel by pulling 
out the fuse on the top of the panel. This is the fuse above 
the display and next to the Auto/Off/Manual switch on the 
generator. Immediately replace the fuse. You now have one 
(1) minute to complete the setup process.
Wireless Display System