McAfee Database Activity Monitoring, 1Y, Gold, 10001+u DBMYCM-AA-JG 数据表

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Data Sheet      
McAfee Database Activity Monitoring
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Virtual Patching Protects from Known  
Exploits and Many Zero-day Threats 
It’s not always possible to install vendor patches
immediately, as they often require applications
testing and downtime to apply the update.
And some applications still use older releases of
the databases, for which patches are no longer
provided. McAfee Database Activity Monitoring
detects attacks attempting to exploit known
vulnerabilities as well as common threat vectors
and can be configured to either issue an alert
or terminate the session in real time. Virtual
patching updates are provided on a regular basis
for newly discovered vulnerabilities, and can
be implemented without database downtime,
protecting sensitive data until a patch is released
by the database vendor and can be applied.
Deploy Quickly and Nonintrusively with 
Minimal Resources
A software-only solution, McAfee Database
Activity Monitoring can be implemented and begin
protecting databases in under one hour, without
the need for special hardware or additional servers.
Further accelerating deployment, McAfee Database
Activity Monitoring automatically scans the network
for databases and uses wizard-driven templates for
various regulatory environments to guide the user
in quickly creating custom security policies to meet
audit requirements. By distributing the responsibility
for implementing security policy to autonomous
sensors running on each database server, McAfee
Database Activity Monitoring scales cost effectively
to support the largest enterprises.
Supports Today’s Modern IT Infrastructure, 
Including Virtualization and Cloud
Other systems for database monitoring rely
on analysis of network traffic to identify policy
violations, something that is either impossible or
inefficient in the highly dynamic and distributed
architectures used for data center virtualization
and cloud computing. In contrast, McAfee sensors
can be configured to automatically provision along
with each new database, request the security
policy based on the data it hosts, and then begin
sending any alerts to the management server.
Even if network connectivity is interrupted, data
is still protected as the sensor implements the
security policy locally, and alerts are queued
for delivery when the management server is
reachable again.
Next Steps
For more information, visit
or contact your local
McAfee representative for more information.
About McAfee Risk and Compliance
McAfee Risk and Compliance products help you
minimize risk, automate compliance, and optimize
security. Our solutions diagnose your environment
for real-time insight into your vulnerabilities and
policies, so that you can protect your most critical
assets by your focusing security investments
where they matter most. To learn more, visit: