GRAUPNER CO. LTD. 16007812 用户手册

页码 28
10 / 28
Special instructions
To charge and discharge batteries, only use specifically designed 
chargers/dischargers with balancer connector.
The white connector (cell count + 1 pole) is designed for the con-
nection to a LiPo balancer or a battery charger as a single cell 
charger with a manual cell balancer. Always charge the battery 
with the balancer connector.
Safety notes for stocking batteries
Batteries may only be stored in non completely discharged con-
Batteries may only be stored in dry rooms with an ambient tem-
perature of +5°C to +25°C.
Stock the LiPo batteries with a cell voltage of about 3,8V. If the 
cell voltage falls below 3 V, then the battery must be necessarily 
charged. Deep discharge and storage in discharge status (cell 
voltage < 3V) make the battery useless.
Charge and transport your batteries always in a safety bag.