Accton Wireless Broadband Corp. FIU176205000W 用户手册

页码 134
LAN Settings
• WAN Upload Bandwidth – Sets the maximum WAN upload bandwidth. (Default: 
102400 kbps)
• LAN Download Bandwidth – Sets the maximum LAN download bandwidth. 
(Default: 102400 kbps)
Traffic Control QoS — The feature is applied when the applications use static ports 
to provide services. The wireless AP/Router can map traffic using specific TCP/UDP 
ports to one of the QoS priorities; low, medium, high, and highest. (Maximum 32 
entries are allowed.)
• Enable – Activates an application port-based QoS entry. (Default: Disabled) 
• Interface – Specifies the LAN ports (download) or WAN port (upload).
• Source IP – The source IP address.
• Source Port – Specifies source TCP/UDP port numbers used by an application. 
Multiple ports can be specified, for example, you can enter "1000-2000" for a 
continuous port range. Also, specific ports or port ranges can be entered together 
in one expression, for example "1000,2000-2100,3000."  Up to eight elements can 
be supported in each expression. (Range: 1-65535)
• Destination IP – The destination IP address.
• Desination Port – Specifies destination TCP/UDP port numbers used by an 
application. Multiple ports can be specified, for example, you can enter 
"1000-2000" for a continuous port range. Also, specific ports or port ranges can be 
entered together in one expression, for example "1000,2000-2100,3000."  Up to 
eight elements can be supported in each expression. (Range: 1-65535)
• Protocol – Specifies TCP or UDP.
• DSCP – Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) specifies a field in the header 
of IP packets for packet classification purposes.
• Priority – Selects Low, Medium, High or Highest as the QoS priority specified for 
an application.
• Minimum Bandwidth – Specifies the smallest bandwidth allowed.
• Maximum Bandwidth – Specifies the largest bandwidth allowed.
• Comment – An optional field to make notation.
• Action – Specifies an action to take on the QoS table entry.
Change: By selecting an entry from the table, its parameters display in an 
editable form. Click "Change" to save parameters once you have updated them.
Add: Adds a newly configured QoS entry to the table.
Edit: Click "Edit" to highlight a configured QoS entry to modify its parameters.
Delete: Deletes QoS entry from the table.