RadioFrame Networks Inc MCSERIES10 用户手册

页码 152
MC-Series System Installation & Testing 
Datafill Parameters & Optimization Procedures 
RadioFrame Networks, Inc.
since it is the minimum settable value for this parameter bringing it as close as possible to the 
actual value. 
rxTxGain = 10 
This parameter is the difference in gain between the receiver and transmit antenna paths 
expressed in dB. The MC-Series System does not use this parameter directly, and the true 
rxTxGain is actually 0dB. RFN recommends this setting to help offset the Pto value when used in 
making handover calculations. 
defaultTxPower = 9.0 (refer to release notes for range information) 
This is the average output power of the PA, measured at the RF connector of the BR.  For the 
MC-Series System, this parameter can be used to adjust the output power of the system. The 
MC-Series System has a different range of output levels than a standard Motorola EBTS, and as 
such, these values will map to a different set of actual Tx output power levels. This value can be 
set from 1.3 (watts) to 70 (watts), however, Quad BRs configured for 4 channels cannot exceed 
10.5 (watts). Therefore, the recommended range is limited to 8.4 through 9.5, which allows a 
power adjustment range of 11.5 dB. 
The transmit power out at the top of the rack (TOR) is dependent on the site datafill as well as the 
attenuator settings on the RF Shelves. Each RF Shelf has a default attenuator setting, calibrated 
at the time of manufacture and labeled on the front of the RF Shelf, that provides 0 dBm TOR 
output power per carrier when the datafill defaultTxPower  value is set to 9.0. 
The defaultTxPower  parameter can take on values between 5 and 75. However, only a range of 
these values will result in an actual power output change in the MC-Series System. The following 
table summarizes the mapping between the defaultTxPower value and the TOR transmit power 
per carrier, for a given RF Shelf attenuator setting.  
Table 3 
TOR output power is based on the DefaultTxPower and the Attenuator setting 
DefaultTxPower Setting  
(datafill parameter) 
Tx Attenuator Setting (dB) 
Top of the Rack (TOR)  
Output Power (dBm) 
TxAtten +5 
9.5 and higher 
TxAtten - 5 
TxAtten +0 
9.0 (default) 
TxAtten - 10 
TxAtten -1 
TxAtten - 10 
TxAtten -6 
8.4 and lower 
TxAtten - 10 