Netgear 10200135 用户手册

页码 133
N300 Wireless Router WNR2000v3 User Manual 
Safeguarding Your Network
v1.0, September 2010
Restricting Access to Your Router
You can use the Advanced Wireless Settings screen to enable or disable the wireless router. From 
the main menu, select Advanced Wireless Settings to display the following screen:
Enable Wireless Router Radio
You can completely turn off the wireless portion of the wireless router. For example, if you 
use your notebook computer to wirelessly connect to your wireless router, and you take a 
business trip, you can turn off the wireless portion of the wireless router while you are 
traveling. Other members of your household who use computers connected to the wireless 
router via Ethernet cables can still use the wireless router. To do this, clear the Enable 
Wireless Router Radio 
check box on the Advanced Wireless Settings screen, and then click 
The Fragmentation Threshold, CTS/RTS Threshold, and Preamble Mode options are reserved 
for wireless testing and advanced configuration only. Do not change these settings.
Figure 2-9