Radwin Ltd. RW2049 用户手册

页码 211
Installing the Link: First steps
 Chapter 4
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion  2.5.30p3
Figure 4-7: Opening RADWIN Manager window prior to installation
A detailed field by field description of the contents of the RADWIN Manager 
main window may be found in chapter 
The procedure required to make the link functional has three phases:
1. Link Installation - which we will detail below.
Installation actually gets the link operational by setting the link parame-
ters. It uses a fixed channel at the lowest possible modulation, BPSK at 
6.5Mbps and will work under the harsh interference condition. 
2. Link Configuration - described in chapter 
Configuration provides much the same functionality as Installation, but 
for a running link. A fallback to Installation mode is provided for situa-
tions which cannot be handled without resetting the link, such as 
antenna realignment and IDU or ODU replacement.
The Link Installation and Configuration phases are both carried out with 
Wizards, which “walk you through” the processes. The Wizards are visu-
ally quite similar and will be described in detail below. 
During the installation procedure, the definition of all parameters is 
automatically applied to both sides of the link.