Radwin Ltd. RW2054 用户手册

页码 223
Considerations for Changing Antenna Parameters
 Chapter 4
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion  2.5.30p4
3. Set the Antenna Gain and Cable Loss. If do this you will receive a warn-
ing message:
Figure 4-17: Antenna parameters change warning
If inequality (*) above is violated, then the following warning window is 
Figure 4-18: Tx Power Limits
The precise relationship between the items in inequality (*) and the win-
dow of 
 is follows:
• The Max EIRP level will be automatically set according to the selected 
band and regulation.
• The EIRP level is the sum of the System Tx power and the Antenna 
Gain minus the Cable Loss.