Radwin Ltd. RW2054 用户手册

页码 223
Elements of the RADWIN Manager Main Window
 Chapter 5
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion  2.5.30p4
Monitor pane
he monitor pane, is the main source of real time information about link per-
formance at both link sites. It includes the following panes (top to bottom):
• Radio Interface, Received Signal Strength (RSS) in dBm
• Ethernet Service:
• Ethernet Throughput: The numbers are the current calculated 
throughputs at each site. The colored bars (with numbers) indi-
cate the maximum possible throughput having regard for air 
• Rx and Tx Rates: Actual Ethernet traffic received and transmit-
ted rates per site, in Mbps of Fbps.
Table 5-4: Link site details, Site A and Site B
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Trap Desalination