Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation PSC5210W 用户手册

页码 68
Guidelines for Permanent Implantation
IPG Implantation
1. Ensure that the area surrounding the lead entry site is incised to a 
dimension that will accommodate the tunneling tool. Check that 
the lead is securely sutured with the suture sleeve. 
2. Select and mark the intended IPG site several inches away from 
the previously externalized leads, and create an incision at the top 
of the implant site. (Common sites are the abdomen, upper but-
tock, or subclavicular area.)
3. Create a subcutaneous pocket no larger than the IPG outline at a 
depth less than 3/4 inch (2.0 cm) from the surface. 
Note: • Using the template will help guide the correct pocket sizing. 
It is important to keep the pocket small to reduce the 
chances of patient manipulation and IPG flipping.
• Stimulator charging could become ineffective at depths 
greater than 3/4 inch (2.0 cm).