SendFar Technology Co. Ltd. WPC-03003 用户手册

页码 11
Version 1.00 
A typical screen of the application in Infrastructure mode is shown in  
Figure 2-7
. The Network Address section shows the current Network 
status such as the MAC address, Subnet Mask address, Gateway address 
and DNS server address that you can easily monitor these settings without 
the “ipconfig” provided by windows. 
In order to change the configuration parameters press the Configuration 
button, then it will pop-up a dialog for you to input your settings as shown in 
Figure 2-8
Figure 2-8 
There’s 3 property pages in the Configuration property sheet, which 
include General, Encryption, and Advanced
In this page, user can configure the station card with its Network type, SSID 
(up to 32 characters), channel, and the Desire Tx Rate (Automatic/ 1Mbps/ 
2Mps/ 5.5Mbps/ 11Mbps).
Version 1.00 
By choosing this option, you can set the card with its encryption mode to 
NONE or WEP, the authentication mode to Open system or Shared key or 
Auto Switch.  
When set as WEP enabled, you have to set/complete the WEP key 
materials, key materials length and specify which one of them as the default 
key (1 to 4) correctly, which means 4 different keys should be in the same 
length or empty, and the default key radio button should be set to the set 
with non-empty key material. If the setting is not complete, the APPLY 
button will remain to be “gray” and cannot be clicked until user do correct 
settings of this page. 
If you require high security in transmission, you can select 40 or 104-bit 
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key to encrypt data (Default setting is 
None). WEP encrypts each frame transmitted from the radio using one of 
the Keys from this panel. When you use WEP to communicate with the 
other wireless clients, all the wireless devices in this network must have the 
same encryption key or pass phrase.