Lee Technology Korea Co. Ltd. LTK-1100 用户手册

页码 10
•  At the “Out of Range” menu, press the “#/Select” key to turn the out of range ON.
•  Press the “ENTER” key 3 times. After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up
once  to tell you that they received the new code.
• Press 
CANCEL” key to exit the system programming menu.
To test the coasters with out of range on, unplug the power supply, that is connected to
the transmitter.  After 45 – 60 seconds, all the coasters will play a melody since they are
not receiving a signal from the transmitter.  Plug in the power supply back into the
transmitter.  After a few seconds, all coasters will stop playing the melody. Return all the
coasters to the charging base or plug the power supply.  The coasters are ready to
receive the page with the out of range feature turned on.
•  Remove all the coasters from the charging unit or unplug the power supply that is
connected to the charging base
•  At the “Out of Range” menu, press “#/Select” key to turn the out of range OFF.
• Press 
ENTER” key 3 times. After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up once  to
tell you that they received the new code.
• Press 
CANCEL” key to exit the system programming menu.
To test the coasters with out of range off, unplug the power supply, that is connected to the
transmitter.  After 30 - 45 seconds, all the coasters should not play the melody since the out
of range were turned off.  If all or some of the coasters are playing the melody, repeat the
procedure above.  If none of the coasters are playing the melody, return all the coasters to the
charging base or plug the power supply.  Plug the power supply of the transmitter.  The
coasters are ready to receive the page with the out of range feature turned off.
Handing out the Coasters:
Give the guest a coaster. Note their name and Coaster number on the sign out sheet (Included). Tell
the Guest the coaster will signal when their table is ready. The default page for this system is for the
coaster to flash and vibrate for 3 minutes. After the coaster is finished vibrating it automatically goes
back into standby mode waiting for the next page. You can hand the coasters out right from the
charging stack (they will “demo” page each time they are removed from the stack) or you can simply
store them in a basket and hand them out. A fully charged coaster will function without being recharged
for 8-12 hours. You can always reset a coaster by touching it to a charger base stack.
Paging the Guest:
When the guest’s table is ready simply press the coaster number on the transmitter keypad followed by
the “send” key.  For example, press 11,  send” and coaster # 11 will signal.
Auto-Locate Feature
This feature causes ALL coasters (that are not on the charging stack) to signal at once.  This
feature is useful when you are closed and would like to locate any misplaced coasters around your
restaurant.  To locate ALL coasters, press “1247 – send”.  Any coaster not on the charging stack will
signal (Flash & Beep). Search your restaurant for missing coasters. Remember to check the parking lot
and look in the bushes!  After finding all the missing coasters, put all the coasters on the charging rack
to stop the “auto locate” alert. Never press 1247 send while coasters are with the guest – All
coasters will alert at once!!!