Samsung SH100 EC-SH100ZBPRE1 用户指南

页码 165
Extended functions
Using shooting modes
Using the Scene mode
In Scene mode, you can capture a photo with options that are 
preset for a specific scene.
On the Home screen, touch 
Touch a scene.
Landscape: Capture still-life scenes and landscapes.
Sunset: Capture scenes at sunset, with natural-looking 
reds and yellows.
Dawn: Capture scenes at sunrise.
Backlight: Capture backlit subjects.
Beach & Snow: Reduce underexposure of subjects 
caused by sunlight reflected from sand or snow.
Text: Clearly capture text from printed or electronic 
Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press 
[Shutter] to focus.
Press [Shutter] to capture the photo.
Using the Close Up mode
In Close Up mode, you can capture close-up photos of subjects, 
such as flowers or insects.
On the Home screen, touch 
Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press 
[Shutter] to focus.
Press [Shutter] to capture the photo.