Vocera Communications B3000 用户手册

页码 166
 Why is my device chirping or beeping?
112 ··· Vocera Badge User Guide
You can also press the Call button to answer "yes," or press the Hold / DND
button to answer "no."
• Does the Genie have trouble recognizing a name?
The Genie will not recognize a name if the person has not been added to the
system as a user. Have you ever seen this person use a badge?
If you are sure you are saying the name of a valid user, make sure you say
both the first and last names.
If you think the Genie doesn't recognize a name because of the way you
pronounce it, you can train the Genie to understand you. See 
When you train the Genie, you are prompted to spell the person's name. If
the Genie does not recognize the name after you spell it, it may mean that
the individual has not been added to the Vocera system. Contact the system
administrator for help.
Why is my device chirping or beeping?
The system administrator can program your badge or smartphone to issue
alerts when the device goes out of the range of the wireless network, when the
battery is low, when you receive a text message, or when you receive a voice
message. To find out why you heard a particular alert tone, check the device
display or, if you have a badge, the indicator light on the top of the badge:
• If the B2000 or B1000A indicator light is flashing red slowly and the badge
display shows a low signal strength (see the illustration that follows), it means
that your badge is out of the signal range of the wireless network. You will
also see the "Searching for Access Points" message on the display.
If the alert tone starts and stops as you move slightly, it means that you are at
a location where the wireless network coverage begins.
• If the B2000 or B1000A indicator light is flashing red rapidly, and the badge
display shows a low battery level, it is time to recharge the battery.