Vocera Communications B3000 用户手册

页码 166
Vocera Access Anywhere Special Keys 
Using Vocera Access Anywhere ··· 95
5. Enter your phone password followed by the pound sign (#).
You must enter the password using the keypad; you cannot say it. The
phone password must be between 5 and 15 characters, and it may contain
letters or numbers. If your password contains letters, type the corresponding
numeric keys on your phone's keypad. Do not enter your regular Vocera
password that you use to log into the User Console.
6. After you enter your phone password, you are prompted by the Genie. Say
any of the supported commands.
Note: When you access the Genie from a phone, Vocera is not aware
of your location. If you want to call people at other sites, you must first
connect to that site.
Vocera Access Anywhere Special Keys
If the Genie requires a yes or no response, you can press 1 for "Yes" or 2 for
You can also press 2 to cancel a command. For example, if you are calling
someone and you change your mind, press 2 to cancel the action.
Important:  Because Vocera uses the 1 and 2 keys for its functionality, it does
not fully support calling Interactive Voice Response (IVR) phone numbers while
you are accessing the Genie from a phone.
Announcements for Calls from a Phone
Assuming call announcements have been enabled on the Vocera system (they
are enabled by default), the user authentication required to access the Genie
from a phone allows the Vocera Server to provide helpful information to the
user you are calling.