Tagsys S.A. L200TUNANT500 用户手册

页码 45
Modes of operation 
November 2007 
Revision 1.0 
4 Modes of operation 
4.1  Conveyor Tunnel Standalone Mode 
In standalone mode no software application development is required. The tunnel is fully 
autonomous, and the RFID reader sends automatically the read tags ID N° to the PC. The only 
connection between host PC and the system is the serial RS232 cable to collect reader output data 
(read tags can be displayed on the PC using Hyperterminal software).  
The reader settings (baud rate, data frame format, RFID settings…) and PLC standard program 
(ConvoyeurStandardDM_V2.pro) are loaded in the non volatile memory of the reader and the PLC 
allowing tunnel to automatically run at power on.  
TAGSYS Tunnels on conveyors are used to be delivered with customer application standalone 
mode setting. The customer just has to push the green button on the front door of the electrical 
cabinet to start the conveyor and place the tagged items on the conveyor. 
4.1.1  RS232 Serial Communication Parameters 
•  baudrate: adjustable (9600, 18200 or 38400 bauds) – factory setting = 9600 
•  data bits: 8 
• parity: 
•  stop bit: 1 
• flux 
•  Frame format: Tag ID in hexadecimal, number of digits adjustable up to 16 (factory setting 
= 16 digits) 
•  Trailer: adjustable – factory settings = carriage return + line feed (\0D\0A) 
•  Sorting: adjustable – factory settings = sorting activated (tag ID of a read tag is sent only 
once by the reader) 
Below is an example of frames sent by the reader after 3 tags have been read (factory settings, 
frames displayed on hyperterminal) 
Uniqueness of tag ID can only be guaranteed if Tag ID is transmitted with 16 digits 
Medio L200 reader cannot sort out more than 48 tags at a time, if more an additional sorting 
sequence must be carried on by the customer application (otherwise the tunnel reader may 
send several times the same tags ID)