Tagsys S.A. L200TUNANT500 用户手册

页码 45
Revision 1.0 
November 2007 
8 L200 Reader Configuration 
The purpose of this chapter is just to provide guidelines that may be useful for customers who 
need to configure the Medio L200 Reader for tunnel that is included in the Conveyor Tunnel reader 
(for a modification of standalone mode parameters or for the development of an application in 
slave mode).  
The GemCore
 Development Kit is also available for developing custom on-board applications 
other than the one supplied. 
8.1  L200 Reader Slave Mode Configuration 
The host PC or PLC is the master of the serial communication links. In this mode, the Lx00 reader 
replies to any STX-E command sent by the host PC or PLC. All Lx00 reader resources are 
accessible via the STX-E commands (I/O ports, serial communication type, DSP features, etc.). 
For more information, please refer to the Lx00 Reader Full Command Set documentation. 
8.2  L200 Reader Standalone Mode Configuration 
The Standalone Module included in the STX-E application software is used to generate an ASCII 
message frame with configurable data fields.  
Standalone mode features can only be configured using the L200 Explorer software. 
8.2.1 General Parameters 
These parameters are used to define: 
•  Standalone Activation mode: Start upon next reset, Start Now or Inactive. 
•  Communication Baud rate: 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bauds can be selected. Other 
parameters are set to standard values: No parity, 1 stop bit and 8-bit characters. 
•  Chip Type to be read in Standalone mode: Only one single chip type can be selected in 
Standalone mode. Depending on the selected chip type, specific chip parameters can be 
•  To improve reading performances when using high-quality factor antennas or when the 
antenna RF power is greater than 1.5 W, select Activate High Pass Receiver Filter to set 
the receiver filter to High Pass filter mode.  
8.2.2 Channel Parameters 
These parameters are used to define the general channel configuration:  
•  RF antenna output power (between 250 mW and 4 W for L100 platforms) 
•  Channel mode: Either one single channel or a Multiplex configuration is enabled. If no 
channel is selected, all channels are switched off and no tag commands can be executed. 
When one channel is selected, it is switched on immediately.  
: The STX-E GemCore
 application, version 2.0 or more recent, must be 
downloaded into the Medio™ Lx00 Reader. In addition, the serial line must be used to 
configure Standalone mode using the L200 Explorer.