HIMS International Corporation H318B 用户手册

页码 469
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Paste: Ctrl-v 
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Insert from file: Ctrl-i   
Insert date: Ctrl-w 
Change insert/overwrite mode: Insert 
Check spelling: Ctrl-k 
Check spelling of the current word: Alt-k 
Find: Ctrl -f 
Find again: F3   
Replace: Ctrl-r 
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Go to bookmark: Ctrl-j 
Go to previous document: Shift-Tab 
Go to next document: Tab 
Read selected text: Alt-b 
Read beginning of selected text: Ctrl-u 
Read from beginning to cursor: Alt-g 
Read from cursor to end: Ctrl-g 
Read status: Ctrl-shift-/ 
Braille document layout: Alt-F5 
Print document layout: Alt-F7 
Braille paragraph layout: Alt-F6 
Print paragraph layout: Alt-F8