HIMS International Corporation H332B 用户手册

页码 390
you press “space-4” once and press “enter” on “overwrite,” you will 
install the new backup file, erasing the old backup file.  For example, 
let us assume that you have three records in your address list and 
you have ten addresses in your backup file.  If you select “append,” 
you will have 13 records in your address list.  In this case, three 
addresses could possibly be redundant.  If you select “overwrite,” you 
will have 10 addresses backed up, and the three original addresses 
will be deleted.  If you don’t want either “append” or “overwrite,” press 
“space-4,” locate “cancel,” and press “enter” on it. 
5.5.3 Setting Backup Option 
To backup your address list, you can do it manually using the 
“backup address list” function.  You can also backup your address list 
automatically by using the “set backup option.”  To activate the “set 
backup option” function, press “space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2” to open 
up the menu.  Then press “space-4” or “space-1” repeatedly to locate 
“set backup option.”  Then press “enter” on it.  Or, you can press “e 
(dots 1-5)” in the menu to go to “set backup option.”  You can also 
activate the function without opening up the menu by pressing “enter-
e (dots 1-5).” 
If you activate the function, you will see a dialog box.  The dialog box 
has three controls: “backup mode” radio button, a “confirm” button, 
and a “cancel” button.  You can switch between controls by pressing 
“tab (space-4-5)” or “shift-tab (space-1-2).”  To switch between radio 
buttons, you can press “space-1,” “backspace,” “space-4,” or “space.” 
The “backup mode” has three radio buttons:  “always backup 
changes when exiting,” “manual backup,” and “prompt backup 
changes when exiting.”  
1)  If you select the “always backup changes when exiting,” a new bac
kup file will be automatically created if you modify the address list 
or add other information when you exit the address manager. 
2)  If you select the “manual backup,” it will not create a new backup fi
le even though there may be changes in the address list.  In this c
ase, you can only make a new backup file by using the “backup ad
dress list” menu.