HIMS International Corporation H432B 用户手册

页码 546
For moving each field and record in the search result list, you can use 
the following keys. 
Following are the move keys in the search result list 
Move to a previous field in a record: Space-2 
Move to the next field in a record: Space-5 
Move to the first field in a record: Space-1-3 
Move to the last field in a record: Space-4-6 
Move to the previous record: Space-1 
Move to the next record: Space-4 
Move to the first record: Space-1-2-3 
Move to the last record: Space-4-5-6 
Move to previous same field different record: Space-3 
Move to next same field different record: Space-6 
You can also search records using not only name field but also the other 
fields. If you want to find records with a company name, press “Space-4” 
repeatedly until “company name:” is heard. Then, type the company 
name, and press “Enter.” The first record that has the company name 
will be displayed. 
When you enter text to be searched for, you do not have to type the 
entire content of a field. For example, if you want to find a record about 
“Edward,” type in “ed” in the “search name” field. Then, all the records 
whose name field contains “ed” will be found. 
6.4.2 Setting Searching Address Fields 
This option enables you to select the fields that you want to search. 
Press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2” to bring up the menu, and select 
“Set Address Search Fields.” Then, press “Enter.” Or, you can press 
“Enter-o (dots 1-3-5)” (which is the hot key) in the “Set Address Search 
Fields” dialog box. 
If you want to search only the name, mobile phone number, and 
company telephone number fields, move to those fields that you do not