WJ Communications Inc. SR320 用户手册

页码 24  E-manifest  
The E-manifest tab allows a user to aggregate multiple tags into a single tag or view more details on a tag. 
The EM_tag column defines the master tag and any other tags (up to 6) can be selected to be aggregated 
under the EM_tag. The description column will show the EPC numbers of tags that are aggregated under 
that particular EM_tag. The case tag count shows the number of tags aggregated under the master / 
EM_tag. If an error occurs while aggregating tags prior to shipping or if a tag needs to be re-used, the clear 
action when clicked clears any aggregated tags under the EM_tag. 
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Intelleflex makes no claims of fit for purposes intended, merchantability or other.  All trademarks, service marks, trade 
names and logos are used in good faith and remain the property of their rightful owners.
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