Global Sun Technology Inc GL2454RT-QA0 用户手册

页码 55
3.2 Wireless 
This section enables you to set wireless communications parameters for the router's 
wireless LAN feature. 
3.2.1 Basic 
This page allow you to enable and disable the wireless LAN function, create a SSID, 
and select the channel for wireless communications. 
Enable/Disable: Enables and disables wireless LAN via the router. 
SSID: Type an SSID in the text box. The SSID of any wireless device must match the 
SSID typed here in order for the wireless device to access the LAN and WAN via the 
Channel: Select a transmission channel for wireless communications. The channel of 
any wireless device must match the channel selected here in order for the wireless 
device to access the LAN and WAN via the router. 
3.2.2 Authentication 
This screen enables you to set authentication type for secure wireless communications.