Adtran TRC582TR1 用户手册

页码 64
TRACER 2xT1 User’s Manual
Section 1  TRACER Description
Options that are set from the front panel can be overridden via the terminal interface.  As a rule, a green
LED indicates a good situation, a red LED indicates an error situation, and a yellow LED indicates a
configuration option.  LEDs indicating overall system integrity are listed below.
Test ............................... Red indicates that the self-test has completed and failed
PWR ............................. Green indicates that DC voltage is applied
The LEDs associated with the DS1/DSX-1 interfaces are listed below.  There are two sections of
identical indicators -- one for each DS1/DSX-1 interface.
BPV .............................. Red if the incoming T1 stream contains bipolar
RED .............................. Red if there is no signal present at the T1 interface
LPBK ............................ Yellow if the T1 interface is in loopback
YEL/AIS ...................... Flashes to indicate a T1 Yellow Alarm; remains On
(solid) to indicate an AIS alarm (when the DS1/DSX-1
is receiving a Blue code)
The LEDs indicating error conditions are listed below.
RF Low ......................... Red indicates the received RF carrier level is too low
Link Down ................... Radio path is down
The front panel controls are listed below.
Reset ............................. Reset the system
LBKA ........................... Toggles the T1-A between no loopback and line
LBO .............................. Selects TI line buildout. Template on right edge of
faceplate designates switch setting.
LBKB ........................... Toggles the T1-B between no loopback and line
Figure 1-7. BBP Front Panel (with door open)