页码 36
T245 Control System Manual
9. Factory Parameters
The  Control System has a number of “Factory Parameters” which may be
configured to match the model of valves installed in the machine, and to set the load
limit.  They are called “Factory Parameters” because they are usually set at your factory
before the machine is shipped to the end customer.  In the  application, the first 4
Factory Parameters are PWM drive frequencies for the various “banks” of proportional
outputs, and the rest of the Factory Parameters set boom load moment limits and speeds
of special functions.
In the general discussion below, reference is made to “up to 48 Factory
Parameters”, which means more parameters may be added in the future, if required.
9.1. Types of Factory Parameters
There are only two types of factory parameters.  The first type of parameter is a
“multiple-choice” selection; the “PWM Drive Frequency for S20 Proportional Outputs
O1 through O8” parameter is an example of a multiple-choice parameter—you set it by
selecting one of 5 different frequencies.
The second type of factory parameter is a “variable-value” adjustment with a
minimum and maximum value.  Examples of such a parameter are the Boom Derating
factors; you set between 20% and 150% in 2% increments.
9.2. Changing the Factory Parameters
To change or view the Factory Parameters, use the following procedure:
1.  Plug the Factory Key (the User Key will not allow you to enter Factory Setup Mode)
into the R1300 Controller board’s Set-up Panel; you will be in Proportional Drive
Setup mode.  Enter Factory Setup mode by momentarily pressing the two lower left-
hand buttons together; the light display will change.
2.  There can be up to 48 Factory Parameters.  Pressing the up and down buttons at the
bottom of the “Output” column changes the parameter you are accessing.  The first 12
are indicated by the lights in the “Output” column as follows:  When the “1_” and “+”
lights are on, the first parameter is being accessed.  The “1_” and “-” lights indicate
the second parameter, “2+” indicates the third, “2-” indicates the fourth, etc. down to
“6-” which is the 12th parameter.  The next 12 parameters are indicated by flashing
“1+” through flashing “6-”.
The next 6 parameters are indicated by the “1_” through “6_” lights solidly on with
both the “+” and “-” lights off.  The next 6 are indicated by “1_” through “6_” solidly
on with both the “+” and “-” lights on.
The next 6 parameters are indicated by flashing “1_” through flashing “6_” with both
the “+” and “-” lights off.  The last 6 parameters are indicated by flashing “1_”
through flashing “6_” with both the “+” and “-” lights also flashing.