VTech Telecommunications Ltd 80-8587-00 用户手册

页码 94
Answering system
About the auto attendant
You telephone system has two mailboxes, namely the central mailbox and 
private mailbox. 
If the auto attendant feature is off but the private mailbox is on, callers can 
leaves messages in the private mailbox like an ordinary answering system. 
If the auto attendant feature is on, it can store three kinds of messages, 
private messages, central messages or system extension messages.
If both the auto attendant and private mailbox are turned on and you want 
the auto attendant instead of the private mailbox to pick up an incoming call, 
make sure you set the Auto ATT Delay of the auto attendant at a shorter 
time than that of the private mailbox. 
The auto attendant feature only works with a multi-phone system. Make sure 
you have purchased MS2015 extension to expand your system before using 
this feature. Only this MS2085 Console can serve as an auto attendant in the 
telephone system and it redirects an incoming call from a shared outside line 
to another phone in the same system. An auto attendant can only answer 
one call at a time. 
Only outside calls are answered by an auto attendant. The auto attendant phone does not answer 
calls when the phone is being used for setup, message review, call history review, or a phone call.
If an auto attendant is active, adjust the delay times for different features to let the auto 
attendant system answer outside calls. The private mailbox time (see Private mailbox delay on 
page 69) of the console must be longer than the auto attendant answer delay time (see Auto 
attendant delay
 on page 66).
Answering system capacity
You can record up to four outgoing announcements and a directory 
announcement for the auto attendant, and one announcement for the private 
mailbox. Each announcement can be up to two minutes. 
Auto attendant and private mailbox announcements both require system 
memory to record, so we suggest recording brief announcements in order to 
leave more space for messages.
The maximum recording time of the console is 60 minutes. The actual 
recording time depends on individual message characteristics. Messages 
remain available for review until you delete them. 
If the system memory is full, the screen displays Memory is full, and you 
cannot record new messages until old ones have been deleted. Check 
remaining system space frequently to maintain availability of space for 
incoming messages.
NOTE: You cannot record an announcement when the telephone system is out of space. 
You will hear a 
two-beep alert tone 
and voice prompt “Memory is full.