Digital Security Controls Ltd. 18LE2077 用户手册

页码 51
[602] Away Arm
Default (Away Arm);
Send this command to the system to away arm. It may be followed by a Partition Label or parti-
tion number and Access Code.
[603] Night Arm
Default (Night Arm);
Send this command to the system to night arm. It may be followed by a Partition Label or parti-
tion number and Access Code.
[604] Disarm
Default (Disarm);
Send this command to the system to disarm. It may be followed by a Partition Label or partition 
number and Access Code.
[605] - [608] Activate Command Output 1 - 4
Default (Activate Command Output n);
Where n is a number from 1 - 4. Send this command to the system to activate a command out-
put. It may be followed by a Partition Label or partition number and Access Code. 
[609] - [612] Deactivate Command Output 1 - 4
Default (Deactivate Command Output n);
Where n is a number from 1 - 4. Send this command to the system to deactivate a command 
output. This command may be followed by a Partition Label or partition number and optional 
Access Code.
[613] Bypass
 Default (Bypass);
Send this command to the system to bypass a Zone. This command should be followed by a 
Zone label or Zone number and Access Code. 
[614] Unbypass
Default (Unbypass);
Send this command to the system to unbypass a Zone. This command should be followed by 
the Zone label or Zone number and Access Code. 
[615] Status Request
Default (Status Request);
Send this command to request the status of the system. It may be followed by a partition label 
or partition number and Access Code. If partition label is omitted, status of all enabled partitions 
will be sent. If there is a trouble on the system, the system label is sent, followed by the trouble 
label, then the partition status.
NOTE: Status Request response may require more than one SMS message, depending on 
status of the system. There is a 10-second delay between transmission of SMS messages.
[616] Alarm Memory Request
Default (Alarm Memory Request);
Send this command to the system to request the alarm memory from the system. This com-
mand may be followed by a Partition Label or partition number, and Access Code. If partition 
label is omitted, alarm memory of all partitions will be sent. Alarm memory responses will 
include Partition label and Zone label. Up to 8 partitions may be contained in 1 message.
NOTE: Alarm Memory Request response may require more than one SMS message, depending 
on alarm memory of the unit. There is a 10-second delay between transmission of SMS 