Buffalo 09101938-0 用户手册

页码 116
Chapter 6  Trouble Shooting
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual
Other Tips
I reset my wireless router to factory settings and forgot how to log in.
Open your browser, enter as the browser address, then press the Enter key. You will be 
prompted to log in. Enter "root" for the username and leave the password box empty (no password). 
Click [OK] to log in.  The option to reset your password will be available on the first page.
How do I forward ports on my wireless router for my gaming console?
Log in to the router. From the home page, go to the Internet Game/ Port Mapping section. Enter the 
port that needs to be forwarded and the IP address of the gaming console.
How do I enable or modify encryption settings on the wireless router?
Log in to the wireless router with your browser. Go to the Wireless Config tab and then select the 
Basic tab. Buffalo recommends the use of WPA/WPA2 mixed for wireless encryption. The passphrase/
key should be at least 8 characters in length.
How do I change my wireless router's broadcasted network name (SSID)?
Log in to the wireless router with your browser. Navigate to Wireless Config - Basic.  Find the SSID 
setting. Select [Use] and enter the new name for your network.  Click [Apply]. Once the wireless 
router has rebooted, you will need reconnect any wireless clients to the AirStation using the new 
network name.  The encryption key will still be the same.