Digital Monitoring Products Inc PC0181 用户手册

页码 58
Digital Monitoring Products
XTLplus Installation and Programming Guide
Programming Introduction
19.1  Before You Begin
Before starting to program, we recommend you read through the contents of this manual. The information in 
this document allows you to quickly learn the programming options and operational capabilities of the  
XTLplus panel.
After this Introduction, the remaining sections describe the functions of each of the programming menu 
items along with their available options. The panel contains all of its programming information in an on-
board processor and does not require an external programmer.
In addition to this manual, you should also be familiar with the following XTLplus documents:
• XTLplus User’s Guide
• XTLplus Fast Programming Sheet
• XTLplus Programming Sheet
Programming Information Sheet
Included with each XTLplus panel is the Programming Sheet. This sheet lists the various options available 
for programming the panel. Before starting, completely fill out the sheet with the programming options you 
intend to enter into the panel.
Having completed programming sheets available while entering data helps to prevent errors and can shorten 
the length of time you spend programming. Completed sheets also provide you with an accurate account of 
the panel’s program you can keep on file for future system service or expansion.
The remainder of the Introduction explains starting and ending a programming session.
19.2  Getting Started
Ground Yourself Before Handling the Panel! Touch any grounded metal before touching the panel to 
discharge static.
The panel should be completely installed before you begin programming. Make sure the AC and battery wires 
are correctly installed.
Initializing the Panel
When programming an XTLplus panel for the first time or rewriting the entire program of an existing 
XTLplus, use the Initialization function described in section 20. Initializing clears the panel’s memory of any 
old data and sets the highest numbered user number to user code 99.
Program from a Wireless or LCD Keypad
The panel can be programmed using a wireless keypad that has been auto paired or manually associated 
with the panel. You can also program the panel using an LCD keypad connected to the panel PROG header. 
Auto WPS
The panel offers a convenient way to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Press the WPS button on your router 
within 5 minutes of powering the panel to automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network. 
Wireless Keypad Auto Pairing 
Wireless keypad auto pairing allows you to skip the Wireless Keypad Association process and automatically 
connect your keypad to the panel. Auto pairing is only available for 9800 Series Wireless Graphics 
Touchscreen Keypads (Version 109 or higher) that do not have a previously assigned house code. A maximum 
of four wireless keypads are allowed on each panel.
To pair a 9800 Series keypad with an XTLplus panel, power up both the panel and the keypad. A 10 minute 
pairing timer begins. The auto pairing process starts immediately and the keypad displays Pairing Keypad 
With System. See Figure 7. If the panel acquires the keypad during that time, the home screen displays 
signaling that pairing is complete.
98  77
HI    LO
98  77
HI    LO
Pairing Keypad With System...
Figure 7: Auto Pairing in Progress Display
98  77
HI    LO
98  77
HI    LO
Figure 8: Auto Pairing Failed Display