3Com Corporation WL306 用户手册

页码 56
Site Survey Menus
indicate faster ping rates. You can sort this list in ascending or descending 
order by clicking the Avg Ping RTT column head.
The Site Survey utility recommends access point locations based purely on the test 
numbers. You can use the recommendations to guide your decision about access 
point locations. For example, you may decide, based on factors such as where 
users will most often be located or your own special knowledge about the test 
results, that a location other than the most recommended is the best for your site.
Site Survey Menus
The following tables describe the command menus in the 3Com 11 Mbps Wireless 
LAN Site Survey window.
New Survey
Start a new set of tests.
Open a set of tests that you saved previously.
Save the current set of tests.
Save As
Save the current set of tests with a new name.
Print the current set of test results.
Print Preview
Show a preview of how the printout will look.
Print Setup
Set up the print page.
Exit the Site Survey utility.
Delete Selected Items Deletes the currently selected row from the right hand pane.
Delete All From List
Deletes all test results in the current survey.
Tool Bar
Make the tool bar visible or invisible.
Status Bar
Make the status bar visible or invisible.
Start Tests
Start the tests for the current AP Test Location and PC Test Location.
Displays help for the site survey tool.
About Site Survey
Displays information about this version of the site survey tool.