Checkpoint Systems Inc. EVOLVES10 用户手册

页码 143
Chapter 11 – SocketModem EDGE (MTSMC-E) 
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Universal Socket Hardware Guide for Developers (S000342D) 
Pin Configurations  
               SocketModem EDGE Pins 
EDGE Pin Descriptions 
Pin # 
In Out 
22 MIC+ 
I  Wireless 
23 MIC– 
O  Wireless  
24 –Reset 
I  Device Reset (with pull-up).  
The active low –RESET input resets the device logic and returns the 
configuration of the device to the original factory default values of "stored 
values" in the NVRAM. 
–RESET is tied to VCC through a time-constant circuit for “Power-on-Reset” 
functionality. The module is ready to accept commands after a fixed amount of 
time after power-on or reset.   
26 GND 
GND Ground 
33 –RTS 
I  The –RTS signal is used for hardware flow control. 
34 –RXD 
O  Data Set Ready.  The –DSR indicates modem status to the DTE.  –DSR OFF 
(high) indicates that the DTE is to disregard all signals appearing on the 
interchange circuits except Ring Indicator (–RI).  It reflects the status of the 
local data set and does not indicate an actual link with any remote data 
35 –DSR 
O  Clear To Send.  –CTS is controlled by the modem to indicate whether or not 
the modem is ready to transmit data. –CTS ON, indicates to the DTE that 
signals presented on TXD will be transmitted. –CTS OFF indicates to the DTE 
that it should not transfer data across the interface on TXD. 
36 –RI 
RING (Active Low). Incoming ring signal from phone.  
Ring Indicate. –RI output ON (low) indicates the presence of an ON segment 
of a ring signal on the telephone line. The modem will not go off-hook when –
RI is active; the modem waits for –RI to go inactive before going off-hook. 
38 –CTS 
O  Clear to Send (Active Low). –CTS is controlled by the module to indicate 
whether or not the module is ready to transmit data. –CTS ON indicates to the 
DTE that signals on TXD will be transmitted. –CTS OFF indicates to the DTE 
that it should not transfer data on TXD.