Mindray DS USA Inc. WT0707-00000 用户手册

页码 484
Panorama™ Operating Instructions
9 - 57
System Setup Functions
Unit Choices Tab
2. Select the ST check box to enable or disable ST analysis for the selected patient.
• A checkmark in the ST box indicates that ST analysis is enabled.
• An empty box indicates that ST analysis is disabled.
• When the ST check box is empty, the Monitor filter is automatically enabled. 
If ST licenses are available, an ST license is automatically 
assigned to the patient when ST is enabled
When using a 5-wire lead set or a View 12
 card, ST is 
performed on the leads available.
When using a 3-wire lead set, ST is performed on the lead 
being viewed.
3. Select the Monitor or ST filter mode.
One filter box must always be populated. When a filter 
mode is selected, the other mode is automatically disabled. 
• A checkmark in the Monitor filter box indicates that the Monitor filter is enabled and 
ST analysis is disabled. 
• A checkmark in the ST filter box indicates that the ST analysis is enabled and the 
Monitor filter is disabled. 
4. Accept or reject the selections made in the dialog box.
• Select the Done button to accept the selections. 
• Select the Cancel button to discard the selections, close the dialog box and return to 
the Unit Choices tab.
Configuring Default Report Waveform Parameters    
Select the Strip Setup sidebar button (shown in FIGURE 9-38) to select the default 
waveform parameters that will print in the All Strips, Event Zoom-In, and Full Disclosure 
Zoom-In reports. 
The Strip Setup sidebar button is not available at the 
ViewStation or the WorkStation. 
To select the default waveform parameters:
1. From the Unit Choices tab, select the Strip Setup sidebar button. 
FIGURE 9-43 Strip Setup View of the Unit Choices Tab