E F Johnson Company 2425372 用户手册

页码 130
December 2006
5300 ES Series Mobile Radio Operating Manual  -23
If a mixed mode channel is selected, both the Rx Code (analog) and Rx NAC (P25) which 
follow can be programmed. In addition, if the Tx Type is Analog, a Tx Code is 
programmed, and if it is Digital (P25), a Tx NAC is programmed.
RX FREQ - Programs the receive channel frequency. To select the digit to change or 
move the cursor to the right, press the Select switch. Then to display the desired digit, 
rotate the Select switch. The frequency is stored after programming the last digit. If an 
invalid frequency is entered, a beep sounds, “INVALID” is briefly displayed, and the 
frequency editing mode continues to be selected.
TX FREQ - Selects the transmit frequency the same the preceding RX FREQ.
CTCSS/DCS Squelch Control (Analog Channel)
RX CODE - Sets the receive Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS) code. The currently selected 
code is initially displayed. If required, rotate and press the Select switch to select the 
desired code type (CTCSS analog or DCS digital). Then enter the desired code similar 
to programming a receive frequency as just described. If an invalid code is entered, a 
beep sounds, “INVALID” is briefly displayed, and the editing mode continues to be 
TX CODE - Selects the transmit codes the same as RX CODE above.
NAC Squelch Control (Project 25 Channel).
RX NAC - Selects the receive Network Access Code (NAC) which can be any number 
from 0-4095. With later models, this number is displayed in hexadecimal from 000-
FFF. Rotate and press the Select switch to enter the desired code. The displayed code is 
stored after the last digit is programmed. If an invalid code is entered, a beep sounds, 
“INVALID” is briefly displayed, and the NAC editing mode continues to be selected.
TX NAC - Selects the transmit NAC the same as RX NAC above.
TX POWER - Selects the desired power output level. Rotate the Select switch to scroll 
through the following choices. When the desired setting is displayed, store it by 
pressing the Select switch.
POWER High - High transmit power.
POWER Low - Low transmit power.
POWER SW - Switchable power selectable by the High/Low power switch. This 
choice is not available if that switch is not programmed.
TX TIMER - Enables or disables the time-out timer on the current channel. Rotate the 
Select switch to toggle between the on and off mode, and when the desired setting is 
displayed, store it by pressing the Select switch.
Channel Alias - Programs the alias for the channel. Up to ten characters from A-Z and 
0-9 and spaces can be entered. Press Select switch once to display the current alias and 
then press it again or rotate it to program a new alias. Rotate the Select switch to display 
the desired character and then press it to move to the next position. The number is 
stored after the Select switch is pressed with the last position selected.
The next two parameters are programmed only if the radio is programmed for encryption.