Wiley Beginning ASP.NET Databases Using VB.NET 978-0-7645-4375-3 用户手册

页码 23
Displaying Data on the Web
When the Web first appeared, people had to find a metaphor for how information should be presented
on it. If you took a sample of web sites from that period, the content largely was based around what
you'd find in traditional media such as books, magazines, and newspapers. This led to the Web serving
the same purpose as those other formats: it provided a snapshot of information as it stood at the time
the pages were created. Of course, there was nothing wrong with that, but it placed restrictions on what
the Web could reasonably be used for.
Over time, the technologies powering the Web have matured, and it has changed from only being able
to provide static sites, to providing dynamic applications as well. These applications invite their users to
make choices about the information they're interested in, providing a customized user experience that
can be modified in real time.
The key to these applications is the data they contain. Regardless of what it is – it could be a product
catalogue, or a set of customer details, or a document repository – it's the data that makes them
dynamic. In the past, providing data over the Web has been a harder task than providing it through
traditional desktop applications, due both to the development tools and functionality available, and the
nature of the Web itself, where users are far removed from the applications and data. Over time, and in
particular (from our point of view) with the introduction of Microsoft's .NET Framework, this situation
has been improved. Web application developers are now on a more equal footing with their desktop-
developing counterparts.
In this first chapter, we'll provide a broad introduction to the topic of data-driven web sites, and how
they are implemented in ASP.NET. It starts with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of
data-driven sites, and then moves on to examine the sources that such data can come from. After that,
we'll look at the .NET Framework's data access strategy of choice – ADO.NET – including its
architecture, its classes, and how it fits into the structure of data-driven applications. We'll finish by
covering the installation of a database server that we'll use throughout this book.
A data-driven web application is a web site that displays dynamic data. The user
experience changes to reflect the information held in a data store.