Contec Medical Systems Co. Ltd. PM10 用户手册

页码 12
Chapter 1 Notice 
1.1 Generic notice 
1)  Do not use the device in locations subject to high temperatures or humidity. Use in the 
temperature within 5 to 40˚C and humidity within 25% to 80%RH. 
2)  Do not wash the device with water. 
3)  Do not use or store the device in the following ambient conditions: 
  Near fires or open flames 
  Locations exposed to strong vibration 
  Locations exposed to strong electromagnetic fields 
4)  Do not disinfect the device in autoclave or gas sterilizer. 
5)  Such as skin allergies or skin damage, do not use this device. 
6)  The device service lift is 3 years. Do not throw away the device and accessories when 
they can't work. If the device needs to dispose, it should meet the local laws and 
regulations requirement. 
7)  lay responsible organization must contact its local authorities to determine the proper 
method of disposal of potentially bio hazardous parts and accessories. 
1.2 Measurement notice 
1)  If your skin is dry, wipe them with disinfectant alcohol or electric salve to strengthen the 
electric capability 
2)  You are better to comfortably sit, draw yourself up, begin to measure when the waveform 
level off. 
3)  When measuring, the finger and chest electrodes should touch your skin exactly, roundly 
and well. 
1.3 Safety notice 
1) No sampling in the battery-charging. 
2) Lay the device in shady and cool environment when you are not going to use it for a long 
period of time, and electrify per three months. 
3) Do not use the device in the environment placed inflammables objects, such as anesthetic. 
1.4 EMC notice 
1)  Please note the effect from EMC when using the device, because it can be influenced by 
portable or movable high electromagnetic compatibility RF devices.