Extensis Font Reserve 1.7 Server FRS-72241 用户手册

页码 8
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•  Server Instability: If a font is activated on the server and the server crashes, the client 
machines may “lock up” as the Mac OS, the print driver or other applications on the client 
machines attempt to access the necessary font data. 
To reduce server traffic and to speed access and activation, the Client maintains a cache of 
recently activated fonts on the client workstation. Since fonts reside on the workstation while 
in use, if the server goes down, users can continue working, uninterrupted, with their currently 
active fonts. 
Offline Mode 
Naturally, a significant concern of using a server-based solution is how the software handles a 
system or network problem. “What happens if my network goes down?” or “What about my 
PowerBook users who go on the road?” are frequent questions asked about the product. Font 
Reserve Server handles these situations elegantly by automatically putting the users into an 
Offline Mode. While in Offline Mode, all the fonts that were active prior to being disconnected 
from the server remain active—even across system restarts—and the user is given full access to 
their local cache (typically the last 500 or so fonts the user has activated) from which to activate 
and deactivate fonts. Once the server is back online, the user can easily reconnect. 
Workflow Automation 
The “holy grail” in electronic publishing has always been complete workflow automation. For 
example, using AppleScript with QuarkXPress and FileMaker Pro, users are building entire real 
estate and office products catalogs. 
Unfortunately, the goal of moving a job through a series of processes, untouched by human 
operators, continues to be elusive—often because font problems require intelligent attention. The 
Font Reserve Server, coupled with Font Sense technology, solves this problem by ensuring that 
the correct fonts are available to specific jobs when they need them. 
What You Should Do 
If you have any specific questions about how Font Reserve Server could fit into your workflow, 
please visit 
 to contact a sales representative. 
North America:
+44 (0) 1604 636 300