Filemaker Pro 8.5 Advanced Maintenance TG761Z/A 用户手册

页码 238
Chapter 7
  Get functions     67
Get functions example
This script uses the function Get(CurrentDate) to check each record in the found set 
to see if an account is past due. If an account is past due, the script shows a message 
and prompts the user to click a button labeled Ignore, Send letter, or Send mail (set up 
through the Show Custom Dialog script step). The script captures the user's response 
using Get(LastMessageChoice). Then, based on the user's response, the script 
performs an action: it cancels the rest of the script, prints a "payment is late" letter, or 
sends email to the associated account. 
Enter Browse Mode []
Go to Layout ["LayoutName"]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
  If [DatabaseName::Date < Get(CurrentDate) - 30]
    Show Custom Dialog ["30 or more days late"]
    If [Get(LastMessageChoice) = 1]
      Halt Script
    Else If [Get(LastMessageChoice) = 2]
      Go to Layout ["Late Notice"]
      Print []
      Send Mail [To: DatabaseName::Client; Subject: "Late Notice"; 
Message: "Your account is past due."]
    End If
  End If
  Go to Record/Request/Page [Exit after last, Next]
End Loop
Go to Layout [original layout]